Google’s August 2024 Core Update: Impact, Issues, and Insights

On August 15, 2024, Google launched its latest core update, sparking significant changes in search rankings and causing a stir in the SEO community. This update aims to improve search quality by promoting genuinely useful content, especially from smaller and independent publishers . However, the rollout has been far from smooth, with Google facing several ranking issues and leaving many content creators scrambling to adapt. So, don´t panic for now if your site is dancing in the SERPS….

close up shot of typewriter with white printer paper typing "Google Core Update"
Photo by Damien Lusson on

The Update’s Objectives

Google’s John Mueller stated that this update is designed to “better capture improvements that sites may have made” and to continue surfacing the best of the web . The search giant claims to have taken into account feedback received since the March 2024 core update, particularly focusing on concerns raised by small and independent site owners .

Immediate Impact and Ranking Volatility

Since the update’s launch, there has been tremendous Google search ranking volatility . Many publishers have reported significant fluctuations in their search rankings, with some experiencing dramatic drops while others saw unexpected surges. This volatility has been particularly intense, even by the standards of previous core updates .

Ranking Bug Complicates Matters

Adding to the confusion, Google confirmed a separate ranking bug affecting a large number of search results, unrelated to the core update . This bug has further muddied the waters, making it challenging for site owners to determine whether changes in their rankings are due to the update or the bug. You can check the actual status here!

August 2024 Core Update - Google Search Status Dashboard

Recovery and Adaptation Strategies

For sites negatively impacted by the update, Google has provided some general advice:

  1. There are no specific actions to take for recovery.
  2. A drop in rankings doesn’t necessarily indicate anything is wrong with your pages.
  3. Focus on creating high-quality, people-first content .

Google emphasizes that the biggest changes in rankings often occur after subsequent core updates, suggesting that recovery may take time . Google also gives some tips and methods to determina if your site is hit by a core update, make sure to read this article to get the whole üpicture!

The AI Content Dilemma

As an experienced blogger who has been in the industry since 2009 and generated significant affiliate commissions, you’ve likely noticed the increasing challenge of creating content that Google deems valuable. The search engine’s efforts to combat low-quality AI-generated content have inadvertently made it more difficult for human writers to produce content that ranks well.

However, distinguishing between high-quality human-written content and sophisticated AI-generated material remains a complex task for Google. This challenge highlights the need for content creators to focus on producing unique, insightful, and genuinely helpful content that clearly demonstrates expertise and authenticity.

Community Reactions and Experiences

The SEO community has been abuzz with various experiences and opinions regarding the update:

  1. Some sites heavily impacted by previous updates, particularly the September 2023 Helpful Content Update, are seeing signs of recovery .
  2. Glenn Gabe, a prominent SEO expert, reported observing the first signs of recovery for sites affected by previous updates, noting that about 30-35 out of 380+ tracked sites have surged with this core update .
  3. Lily Ray, another SEO expert, shared examples of sites experiencing significant growth, with one site surging +590% compared to its position two days prior .
  4. However, not all sites are seeing improvements. Many remain negatively impacted or are experiencing further declines .

Moving Forward: Best Practices

  1. Focus on creating high-quality, original content that genuinely serves your audience’s needs.
  2. Emphasize your expertise and authority in your niche.
  3. Regularly update and improve existing content to keep it relevant and valuable.
  4. Be patient – recovery may take time and might not be fully realized until after future core updates.
  5. Monitor your site’s performance closely, but avoid making drastic changes based on short-term fluctuations.


The August 2024 Core Update represents Google’s ongoing efforts to improve search quality and promote valuable content. While the update has caused significant ranking volatility and challenges for many site owners, it also presents an opportunity for those who focus on creating genuinely helpful, expert-driven content.

As an experienced blogger and affiliate marketer, you’re well-positioned to adapt to these changes by leveraging your expertise and focusing on producing high-quality, user-centric content. Remember, Google’s ultimate goal is to provide the best possible results for users. By aligning your content strategy with this objective, you can navigate these updates more effectively and maintain long-term success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.